Thomas M. Barker and Paul R. Huey, eds.
The 1776-1777 Northern Campaigns of the American War
for Independence and Their Sequel: Contemporary Maps of
Mainly German Origin
Mountain Press, 2010. Pp. 208. illustrations, notes,
bibliography, index. Hardcover, $49.00).
Review by
Michael P. Gabriel, PhD.
Kutztown University |

The 1776-1777 Northern Campaigns of the American War for
Independence and Their Sequel: Contemporary Maps of Mainly
German Origin
Thomas M. Barker and Paul R. Huey, eds. The
1776-1777 Northern Campaigns of the American War for
Independence and Their Sequel: Contemporary Maps of Mainly
German Origin (Purple
Mountain Press, 2010. Pp. 208. illustrations, notes,
bibliography, index. Hardcover, $49.00).
In Don Quixote Miguel
de Cervantes writes, “Journey all over the universe in a map,
without the expense and fatigue of traveling, without suffering
the inconveniences of heat, cold, hunger, and thirst.” [1] Thomas
M. Barker and Paul R. Huey’s book is reminiscent of this quote.
The 1776-1777 Northern Campaigns of the American War for
Independence and Their Sequel transports
readers both into the past and to German archives all from the
comfort of their own home. In doing so, the authors have
enhanced Revolutionary War historiography. They offer a visual
perspective from Britain’s German auxiliaries that American and
Canadian scholars and students rarely see. Forty-two maps, the
vast majority of which come from Hessian and Braunschweig
(Brunswick) archives in Marburg and Wolfenbüttel, respectively,
compose the heart of this book, which is essentially an atlas.
The remainder comes from various United States repositories,
such as the Library of Congress, the New York State Library, and
the Bennington (Vermont) Museum.

"Plan of the Fort Crown Point" (Plate 9, page 102)
Barker and Huey open their work with a brief overview of the
German troops who Britain hired to help suppress the American
rebellion, mainly focusing on those sent to Canada. The authors
stress that these soldiers were not “[m]ercenaries…the leased
thugs or ‘guns-for-hire’ of the Renaissance epoch,” despite
American propaganda to the contrary (p16). Rather, they were
auxiliaries, whose employment by other powers was a widespread
European practice. Barker and Huey further explain that most of
these German troops actually volunteered for service, rather
than being tricked or dragooned into the military. Additionally,
the authors examine whether various German states helped or hurt
themselves by “renting” their forces. They conclude that the
practice benefited Hessen-Cassel and Braunschweig because
British gold placed them on firmer financial ground and helped
develop industry.
Having established this background, the authors then divide the
book into three chronological sections. The first and shortest
part, “Background Maps,” is exactly what the title says; four
maps that depict New York and New England. The second and
longest section, “Maps of German Origins,” makes the book
noteworthy. This traces the Germans’ path from their arrival at
Quebec in Spring 1776 to their surrender with General John
Burgoyne’s army at Saratoga in October 1777. This section
contains thirty-three maps, such as “A Particular Survey of the
Isles of Montréal”, “Plan of the Fort Crown Point”, and “The
Mohawk Wood Creek Zone near Fort Stanwix.” The final section,
“The Sequel” examines German deployments in the Champlain Valley
and Canada from Fall 1777 through 1782. The book’s last map is a
particularly interesting depiction of a mock battle conducted at
Pointe Lévis. This demonstrates that the German troops continued
to train for combat even after active campaigning ended. Barker
and Huey include an excellent appendix which reproduces
twenty-four of the maps in color, along with illustrations of
various German leaders, and nine images from the Friedrich von
Germann collection.
This book has more to offer than just its visual images,
however. The authors provide a heavily documented overview and
commentary for each map, filled with a tremendous amount of
information on a myriad of topics, not all of which are
military. These range from the 1775 American invasion of Quebec
and subsequent expulsion from the province to the origins of the
New York - New Hampshire border dispute over the Hampshire
Grants (Vermont). Barker and Huey also include both Native and
African Americans in their analysis. They cover Catholic
missionary activities among the Native Americans, the movements
of the “ethnically-mixed Caughnawagas,” and the Indians’ roles
during the campaigns (p52). Furthermore, the authors note the
Germans’ employment of young Blacks as drummers. In the latter
case, “[t]hey were taken back to Germany as a novelty for the
public’s delectation” (p172).

“A Particular Survey of the Isles of Montréal” (Plate 4, page
A number of definite themes appear in the narratives and their
accompanying notes. First and most obviously, Barker and Huey
are not only interested in maps, but in the men who drew them.
They provide biographies of a several German officers, such as
Johann Michael Bach, who was seriously wounded at Bennington,
skilled artillerist Georg Paeusch, and Carl Winterschmidt, who
later defected to the Americans. Educated at military academies
and a drawing school, these cartographers employed their
considerable talents to craft detailed maps for operational
purposes and to inform their curious sovereigns about their
activities. This explains why so many of these maps ended up
hidden in archives rarely visited by those from this side of the
Atlantic. The authors also highlight the career of another
gifted cartographer, Franz Pfister, a German-born former officer
in the 60th Regiment, the Royal Americans. A protégé of Lord
Jeffrey Amherst and Sir William Johnson, Pfister settled near
Hoosick, NY, and declined an offer to design the American
fortifications near Saratoga that Thaddeus Kosciusko later
constructed. Instead, he suffered a mortal wound while fighting
for the royal cause at Bennington. Pfister’s example, one of
several Royal American veterans who appear in the book,
reinforces the recent scholarship on the international nature of
the regiment. [2]
The book addresses the relations between British and German
troops during the northern campaigns, suggesting that
traditional accounts overstate the tension that existed between
them. A “pan-European aristocratic way of life or elite class
value system” united the officers that allowed them to cooperate
and ameliorate disputes between the rank and file (p71). Still,
Barker and Huey graphically illustrate the source of some of
these tensions in a map of Ile-aux-Noix. While British troops
occupied dry ground, their German counterparts encamped on
swampy terrain, where “the proximity of snakes, bears, and
howling wolves did nothing to ease their discomfort” (p71). The
authors hint that Anglo-German relations deteriorated from
General Guy Carleton’s tenure as commander in 1776 to that of
Burgoyne’s the following year. By early October 1777, even
before the defeat at Bemis Heights, some German officers
complained about the army’s sorry condition, even while Burgoyne
remained popular among British troops.

"Plan of the Camp at Pointe Lévis where the Maneuver of 18
September 1782 was also held." (Plate 24, page 171)
The 1776-1777 Northern Campaigns has
a number of real strengths, starting with the authors’ thorough
command of their material. They not only identify who drafted
each map, when, and then give its dimensions, but Barker and
Huey also frequently note the other maps that the cartographer
based his work on. As a result, readers can trace the diffusion
of ideas and information among the officers. The maps’ rich
details provide readers with numerous new insights into the
northern campaigns and the geography and settlement of New York,
New England, and Canada. These details might be potential mill
sites on smaller streams in the central-lower Mohawk Valley or
two nuns’ boarding house and school in La Prairie-Sainte-Magdeleine.
Historians and students interested in Valcour Island will find
this book’s five maps and charts on the engagement especially
worthwhile. These include two detailed orders of battle, a
“Status of the Royal and Rebel Fleets on Lake Champlain,” and
tactical maps of the engagement and its aftermath. Maps relating
to Hubbardton, Bennington, and Saratoga will similarly aid those
studying the 1777 Campaign. Finally, Barker and Huey have also
compiled an extensive annotated bibliography, which will benefit
other researchers. The inclusion of German language sources and
discussions on the relative value of various translations are
especially welcomed, as are the appearance of a number of
websites in the footnotes.
The book does have some rough edges, however. Anyone reading
this somewhat oversized text would be well advised to have a
strong magnifying glass and a large dictionary nearby. The small
black and white maps are extremely difficult to read, as are
some of the color ones, even though they cover an entire page.
This is especially true when trying to locate the specific sites
described in the maps’ legends. Similarly, the authors possess
an extensive vocabulary and do not hesitate to employ it. Such
terms as “pestiferous Saint-Jean,” “exogenous entrepreneurs,”
and “lacustrine waters” make some of the sentences unnecessarily
long and complex (pp49, 58, 167). The book contains a number of
typos and small editorial errors, such as misnumbered footnotes,
and its table of contents fails to list the page numbers for the
various maps. Still, these are relatively minor inconveniences
considering the overall value of bringing such rare maps to
Those interested in military and social history, geography, and
cartography will benefit from The
1776-1777 Northern Campaigns. One can only hope that Barker
and Huey or others will compile a similar book on German maps
from the Mid Atlantic and Southern campaigns.
Michael P. Gabriel, PhD.
Kutztown University
of Historic New Mexico Maps,” (accessed June 18, 2012). [return
to text]
2. Alexander V. Campbell, The
Royal American Regiment: An Atlantic Microcosm, 1755-1772 (Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 2010). [return
to text]