![]() Col. Abraham Wemple to General Abraham Ten Broeck General Ten Broeck Dear General, I have taken the Inclosed Affidavitt since my last to you; The ammunition is safe, arrived yesterday afternoon, Escorted by Major Taylor and Capt. Groot with about Ninety men. I have Scouts out to all Quarters; the man whose affidavit I enclosed I sent to a Branch of Susquehanna River where it is supposed the Enemy are assembling. Soon after him sent two more to that quarter, after they return shall give you further information of the movement of the Enemy. I have Buried the dead at Cobus Kill, which was 14 in number; found five more burnt in the ruins of the House of one Yurry Wainer, where the Engagement has been; they were Butchered in the most Inhuman manner, burnt 10 houses and Barns, Horses, cows, sheep & c. lay dead all over the fields. I shall leave a guard of 70 men at the lower fort of Schoharie, all the rest of my force I shall keep at the upper part of the Settlement. Please to send the bearer 2 quire of paper. I am D'r Genl. Your Ob't Hum. Serv't D'r Sir, I forgot to mention in mine of this date that the people of Cobus Kill, whose houses and Effects are burnt, only came off with what they had upon their Backs, have apply'd to me for provisions I shall be glad to know whether they can draw out of public stores or no. The Militia complain much that they can't live upon I lb of Bread and I lb of Beef. I was with the Commissary - he tells me it is General Orders not to Issue more for a Ration. I should be glad if you will mention it to the General and let me know. Ab'm Wempel <The above transcribed from "War in Schohary, 1777-1783"; Edward A. Hagen, 1980> |
send any comments to Greg Ketcham |