Conference on New York State History
Skidmore College • June 10–12 2004
Box 215, Saratoga Springs NY 12866-0215
Registration fee Registration subtotal $____ |
Tours Tours subtotal $____ |
Meals Meals subtotal $____ |
Lodging Lodging subtotal $____ All room prices are per bed; if you wish to share a room please give names. Overnight guests have access to the sports center and pool, the library, the Tang Teaching Museum, and internet computers. For an additional fee, you can reserve tennis courts. You will be asked for a refundable cash deposit of $10 for your room key. Please check in between 3 and 9 PM Thursday or Friday at Case Center. |
Total enclosed $_______ |
Name(s) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Affiliation___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address______________________________________________________________ City/Town______________________________________________ State _____ Zip ______________ Telephone (____) _____-____________ E-mail_______________________@________________________________ |
Make check
payable to Conference on New York State History. For discounted rate,
postmark by June 1, 2004 Mail form and check to Conference on New York State History, Box 215, Saratoga Springs NY 12866-0215 |