The Conference on New York State History
June 7-8, 2002
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York
Conference schedule and registration
Registration, exhibitions, and
sessions are in Palamountain Hall.
A campus map may be found here.
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Dependent Children
Chair and comment: to be
The Colored Orphan Asylum, Karen
S. Franklin, Director, The Judaica Museum, and Melba--- Butler, Executive Director, Harlem Dowling-West Side Center for
Children and Family Services
Asher Wright-s Thomas Indian
School as Utopia and Dystopia, Frederick J. Stefon, Penn State--- Wilkes-Barre
Women of Property
Chair and comment: to be
Sarah Livingston Jay, Not Just a
-Queen of Society,- Landa M. Freeman, John Jay Homestead--- State Historic Site
Martha Bradstreet, Prosecuting
in Proper Person, Jessica E. Cook, Union College
10:30 - 10:45 AM- Break
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Immigrants and Communities
Chair and comment: Edythe Ann
Quinn, Hartwick College
Mechanicville, The New World Paese, Paul Loatman, Mechanicville City Historian
-Hun Chemist Jailed!-: World War
I and German Multinationals, Thomas Reimer, Encyclopedia of New York State
Public Presentation of Controversial Subjects
Chair and comment: William H.
Siener, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society
The Tempestuous Ocean of
Amativeness: How Complex Marriage was Introduced into the------ Oneida
Community, Lawrence Foster,
Georgia Tech
How Do We -Read- Historic Sites:
An Approach to the Presentation of Social Movements in Nineteenth-Century New
York, Giles
Wayland-Smith, Allegheny College (emeritus)
12:15 - 2:00 Lunch
Commentary: -New York City History After September Eleventh"
Lisa Keller, SUNY Purchase
Kenneth T. Jackson, The New-York
Historical Society and Columbia University
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Artists and the Iroquois
Chair: Jack Campisi,
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Research Center
-Benjamin West and the Iroquois,- Arthur Einhorn, Jefferson County Community College;--- Thomas Abler, Waterloo University
-George Catlin and the Iroquois,- Lawrence M. Hauptman, SUNY New Paltz; George Hammell,--- New York State Museum
Comment: Doris Migwan, McCord
Museum, McGill University
The Revolutionary War
Chair and comment: Robert F.
Jones, Fordham University
Notoriously Disaffected: Fleet
Prison and its Inmates, Meryl Rutz, Cambria County Area--- Community College
The Art of Liberation War:
Armand-s Legion on the Neutral Ground, Thomas Hallier,--- Sorbonne/Columbia University
Genealogical Approaches
Chair and comment: Roger Joslyn,
Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists
In Search of Catoneras, Long
Island-s Pocahontas, John Strong, Long Island University--- (emeritus), Rick Van Tassel, James Van
The Josiah Fish Family of the
Genesee Country, Carole J. O-Connell, independent scholar
3:45 - 4:00 PM-- Break
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Black New Yorkers
Chair and comment: Felix
Armfield, Buffalo State College
A Geography of Slavery and
Freedom in Antebellum Ulster County and New York City: Isabella--- Van Wagenen and her Family, Myra Young
Armstead, Bard College
Forty Acres and a Deed, Amy
Godine, independent scholar
Something in Between: Creating
Identity Among Second Generation West Indians in New York City, Sherri-Ann Butterfield, Rutgers
Colonial Ethnicities
Chair and comment: Eric Roth, Huguenot
Historical Society
A Time to be Born and a Time to
Die: Demographic Profiles of Colonial New Paltz and New--- Rochelle, Paula Wheeler Carlo, Nassau
Community College
French Emigr- in Upstate New
York: The Journal of the Castorland Commissioners, John A. Gallucci, Colgate University
Languishing Churches- Lessons
from Middle-Colony Dutch Church Registers, 1690-1772, Dirk Mouw, The University of Iowa
New York-s Canals
Chair and comment: Daniel
Larkin, SUC Oneonta
The Erie Canal: How Does the Dang
Thing Work, Anyway, J.W. Bouchard, Hartgen - Archaelogical Associates
Searching for The Neck: New
York-s First Canal, Philip Lord, Jr., New York State Museum
The St. Lawrence Seaway Project
and its Impact on Cornwall and Massena, Claire Parham, Siena- --College
6:00 PM Reception, Palamountain
7:00 PM Dinner, Murray and
Aikins Dining Hall
8:30 PM The Wendell E. Tripp
Lecture in New York State History
-Facing East towards Colonial New York-
Daniel K. Richter, The McNeil Center for Early American
Studies, The University of Pennsylvania
Gannett Auditorium, Palamountain Hall
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Perspectives on Recent New York State Local History Writing
Chair: Peter Eisenstadt,
Encyclopedia of New York State
Natalie Naylor, Hofstra
University (emerita)
Jeffrey Kroessler, College of
Staten Island
Ruth Rosenberg-Naparsteck,
Rochester City Historian
Theodore Corbett, Schenectady
County Community College
Archaeologists- View of New York History
Chair: Matthew Kirk, Hartgen
Archaeological Associates
Fort to Port: Albany-s 18th
Century Stockade and Waterfront, Christopher Kilkenny
Stewart Dean and the Worms in
the Cricket Cage: The Archaeology of a Hometown Hero,--- Matthew Kirk
Beyond the Barricade: The
Archaeology of Early Industry in Albany, David Klinge
Building Rensselaerswyck: 17th
Century Domestic Architecture, Walter Wheeler
New York and Iroquoia in the Early Republic: European Perspectives
Chair: Daniel K. Richter, McNeil
Center for Early American Studies
The Attach- Rejoinder:
Francois Barbe de Marbois in Iroquoia, 1784, David A. Nichols,--- University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
A Bridge to America: Count Paolo
Andreani-s Tour of New York, 1790, Karim M. Tiro, Xavier--- University Cincinnati
More Plants than Province: Frederick
Pursh-s Map and the Changing Face of Iroquoia, -1754-1807, James Carrott, University of Wisconsin Madison
Comment: Nancy L. Hagedorn,
Indiana State University
10:30 - 10:45 AM- Break
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Chair and comment: Sean Kelley,
Hartwick College
Brooklyn Bridge: The Ideology of
Opening Day, Richard Haw, John Jay College CUNY
Every Tongue is Loud in
Celebrating His Praises: The Commemoration of Richard - Montgomery: Michael P. Gabriel, Kutztown University of
Catskills Resorts
Chair and comment: Mary
Zwolinski, Arts Center of the Capital Region
Prewar Catskill Resorts and
Austrian Immigrants, Doris Umbers, independent scholar
Landscape, Image and Social
Change: The Catskill Resort Region 1820-1950, - James Darlington, Encyclopedia of New York State
Skidmore College is an
independent, residential college of 2,200 men and women students and 180
full-time faculty. Skidmore-s modern campus is a pleasant summer place for
recreation and contemplation as well as for work. The College-s special summer
programs include a variety of events: a film festival, art exhibits, theater
productions, and lecture/demonstrations in modern dance. The 850-acre wooded
campus is less than a mile from downtown Saratoga Springs and its many unique
shops and fine restaurants.
A small, lively historic city,
Saratoga Springs sets the tone for Skidmore. The city has evolved into a unique
mixture of year-round resort, college town, and convention site. Saratoga
Springs has long been famous for its many attractions, such as its mineral
waters, Victorian charm, the nation-s oldest thoroughbred race track, and the
Saratoga Performing Arts Center. New York-s scenic Adirondacks, the Berkshires
in Massachusetts, and Vermont-s Green Mountains are within easy driving
distance, as are Boston, New York City and Montreal, which are within 180 miles
of the campus.
A bed and breakfast option is
available on campus. Housing will be in an air-conditioned residence hall which
is fairly typical of a college campus. Both single and double (2 single beds)
rooms are available with shared bathroom facilities. Bed linens, one blanket,
one pillow, and two bath towels per person will be provided. Extra pillows and
blankets are available for rental. The college dining service provides
cafeteria meals, offering a choice of at least two or three entrees, including
a vegetarian alternative. The lodging rate with breakfast is $54 per person,
per night.
Reservations for hotel, motel,
or bed-and-breakfast rooms off campus may be explored through the Saratoga
Convention and Tourism Bureau by e-mailing kathyd@meetinsaratoga.org.
Although e-mail is preferred, you may call Kathy Denkenberger at 518-584-1531.
On-campus, conference
participants may enjoy Skidmore-s tennis, squash and racquetball courts, as
well as an Olympic-size swimming pool located in its Sports and Recreation
Center. There are nature trails for hiking and joggers enjoy the winding campus
In addition, the Spa State Park
is about three miles from campus and includes two golf courses, outdoor
swimming pools, picnic areas, several mineral springs, and many trails for
hiking and biking. The historic Roosevelt and Lincoln bath houses are in the
Park; mineral baths, massages and herbal wraps are available by appointment by
calling 518-584-2011.
Saratoga Springs is located 35
miles north of Albany. It is most conveniently reached from Exit 13N of the
Northway (I-87). Greyhound and Adirondack Trailways bus lines offer daily
service to and from New York City and Montreal. Amtrak operates three
northbound and three southbound trains daily to Saratoga Springs, with a more
frequent schedule to Albany.
From the Albany-Rensselaer
railroad station and from the Albany International Airport, an hourly shuttle
to Saratoga Springs ($6) is operated by Upstate Transit. Yellow Cab
(518-434-2222) is on site at both locations, as well.
In Saratoga Springs, taxicabs to
campus from the shuttle stop, bus depot, or train station may be arranged by
calling Saratoga Central Dispatch (518-584-2700).
Field Horne, Director
Contact telephone: (518)
Program Committee:
Robert A. Arnold, New York State
Michael Groth, Wells College
Robert F. Jones, Fordham
Edythe Ann Quinn, Hartwick
William H. Siener, Buffalo and
Erie County Historical Society
Steering Committee:
G. David Brumberg, Cornell
Carol Kammen, Cornell University
Thomas S.W. Lewis, Skidmore
Cornel Reinhart, Skidmore
Wendell E. Tripp, New York State
Historical Association
Institutional Partners:
Encyclopedia of New York State
Historical Society of Saratoga
New York History Net
New York State Archives
New York State Historical
Skidmore College
(list incomplete at press time)
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